
I love it!

Good day! Today good day, i sleep good and stuff :) So anyway i never sleep more than 8 hours per one day (24 hours). So if i sleep 6 hours i can sleep 2 then day in the middle. Dont know good it or bad - anyway i feel better. Look at picture - lake near my home. Real nature! No hot no cold. But anyway i want live in hot country, and drink tea whole day.


40minutes before Shabbat

Coming! All prepared! Good Sabbath! Lets make some rest for us. It is was smart week, but i dot feel tired. If i tired - when i come from Moscow to home, in the evening i go to lake and all my problem goes to water. Water! So many sense in this form. I drink good water, filtering it, careful to it!

Look this birds, what they making! 



New week start

Hi there, lets start. Today sleep just 3 hours, anyway i feel okay! This interest moment - then the summer comes - days become longer, but weeks skips faster :) My day very long today, maybe it is because i wake up very early. Often i sleep 45 minutes, if it is possible in the middle of the day. It is good! I know, it is very good, then you work - find time to sleep. What better eat or sleep;)
Smart wind, light was day before. WOW.
Do you know, to feel good - a food, that you eat must have alkaline reaction of stomach. It is most of fruits, vegetables (except onion, garlic and other some), most of nuts. Feel well!


Day before rest

Good week, something go in right direction, and i hope it so be in future! Usually Friday evening i make up bread on frying pan, i love smell of fresh bred. And very good to eat bread with olive oil. MM mm human food.



Today i try to make some money in INTERNET. How its going - tell after some days. Weather is good, yesterday was rainy. There lake near my house, so i decide to walk around it, look pictures. It was some dangerous, because forest is forest...don't know what peoples/animals you can meet here.


lets start week

Lets start week. Good morning, good start! What this week can bring to us? Difficult question, because you don't know, what can happen in a hour. Just live and thats all! Time put all things on their places.


think before rest

Hi here! Lets think what we wait from future...Bad ecology? Bad social? NO. Why ecology is bad? Because we have motor-cars (oil). Why we have bad society? Because popes don't know what to do. How to repeat this? Make electric machines. And learn LAWS of life. I think Torah - is key to find what you need. (there laws, how to live!). With Rashi commentaries.


today morning

Hi, today strange day. Yesterday was smart wind, just look:
Anyway, it always impressively to see nature force.

Do you know...peoples need to be care of their health, because it is most intimate part of you life. (I read in from book of Paul Bragg - about "intimate"). Food, what you put into your mouth goes through all body! Looking for a products, what very energetic (like peanut), and not so hard for body! And banal green tea - can save you health and productivity many years. Do it for your relatives - start eat good food. And this is most important thing: find brain - charging products. Peanut - ideal for brains. And very convenient - go to job? Take in you pocket some peanuts, some apples, green tea at work - and you can easy spend you day. Not forget about meat, of course (Kosher). Any must find OWN products, with useful for him, and it is very interest to do it - finding this products.

Microsoft office and Google office

Greetings! Today i learn about Google products, in a particular calendar, tasks in there and others. My purpose - to have mobile office in INTERNET, like MS_Outlook. There a lot of advantages: if my system crushes - i always have access to my files from all the world! Not depend of home computer - aim is to find any computer with INTERNET connection. So it is possible! Google mail, calendar and other stuff.

Another tip: you can backup your important files on Google - just archive them and email to yourself, after put them in new created folder...7GB is enough for this.

I think Ms_Office good for big corporations with (Intra-net), there all stuff have own login and password to windows, and your settings automatically loads then you log in (with outlook mail and other your settings). So, from any computer of company you can change user and work as a usual. All computers must have server+LAN. I work in 2 banks in my history - in two banks was such system. Why Office? Because if INTERNET damages, but company have electricity - there work not stops and company survives. But what to do if electricity off? Some companies buy diesel generators, and if problem - run them. When i work on banks - some days we god a messages, what "today we work with diesel generators-energy". Another reason to choose Google - Office cost a lot of money!



hi there, lets start!