
Month Elul

This month "Elul" on the Jewish calendar. This is last month before Jewish new year, Rosh Hashanah. This month we all think about our actions during year, give more moneys for poor humans (very important!!) and calm yourself at all.

Look this picture - in Photoshop edition: moon, but i need to increase levels, otherwise the moon would not be visible - this is day shot.



Yes it is so - food usually called - "eat bread". But be careful with bread! Bread contain gluten, and some peoples have problems with  digesting gluten and after have big problem, if problem actually. I have no problem with gluten and bread, but i eat bread not so often. This products without gluten - rice, corn, buckwheat.


today 3 hours - walk

Today i go from home with idea to buy few pencil's for writing on paper, and deicide to walk some more :) It was long way in the forest, i think a lot and relax my mind, swim at lake and enjoy. And i buy few pencils!


Sun ends, new time come

Hi there, i feel sun is loose it's power, making day smaller and the weather colder from day to day. I prepare to winter, looks like this year i can't travel anywhere, this is bad, but not fatal :) Today i work all day, after go to walk, meet some unknown peoples at street and we talk about nothing - this is very meaning to talk with peoples, which you don't know. Every day you need to see new peoples, been in human social places (but don't forget your friends, of course)! And need  to communicate with good and positive faces. Look this photo - the lake near my home.


Good day!

Hi! There i have good day :) Love it, hard days passed, they learn us to be more strong and confident in future, it like - if somebody have bad illness, doctor makes vaccine of microbes to improve immune and man recovering. Incredible, but fact.

Photo - my home computer and good books.