
russian childrens-orphans!

They are crazy!! Do you hear, what they do? I never touch politics news and all around this, but last news i cant pass away. Russian politics want to Putin accept crazy law about childrens orphans. This law stops any adoption from american citizens poor russian children-orphans! This is really crazy in all ways and in all situations this is big error and this law NOT YET ACCEPTED BY PUTIN. There is situation - some peoples not worked hard all year and at december before "new year" they deicide work very hard and make a lot of problems...and i see what they reworked!


before NY 2012

Dont like this. What? Situation around "new year". This is crazy, looks like everybody buy rocket jets and set it to therr asses. All runs runs, a lot of ppplz in streets and all runs somewhere, and this is just begun! Till new year they bost their speed and run faaster and faster untill nyear appears. And after drink drink=)) This is words crazy. So there are youall been all year before this period? This is question. A lot of ppls in buses, metro. This is hard to see, i dont celibrate new year.


winter 2012

Hey, winter 2012 starts! It is not so cold now. And all the world wait end of word. So many massanges was about this theme. "word will live till 2012 year and after will die" and same messanges was a lot....! I think about this - if some body think, what soon will be end of word - hi is thinks not about the word, but about himself! If body feels what some happend with him - he start wrote notes about the end of word. This is  problem...but - not word - but problem with him!


yeah 9 av

Today fast 9 av, but 9 av was in sabbath, so 9 av we fast in Sunday...one day latter. Not so easy time now, but if you want, all bee all okay! So all okay with me)) As i say - time not so easy, but all good)) What was this year in this time for me? My neighbors make repair of apartments all day sabbath and night from sabbath to Sunday! I walk to him and say - stop repair, already 23.00! Hi answer me with some aggressive - wait some time. Ok...i wait and call police. I think it is right. Yes - more important thing make friendship with  neighbors, but of them aggressive - do not  be victim, do something for fixing situation.



This winter walk through time so fast! End of snow, at last. But i have problem. One year ago and till now i start to grow beard and dont want to cut it. And problem two - i am judaism man and need to cover my head by cap or smth else. SO i no think what to wear aftrer winter hat. ))



Hi, good news. On streets temperature holds normal positions, no so cood and not so warm. Good, i dreank tea. Now i think what i need to do this sping for flat. Every spring i repeare something, do what need to fix and what wants to broke=).

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I feel, what my news be apear here now more often. I download android app. for blogger and now i just need to click on icon-blogger on my android and start to tape. Ofcourse, my wifi must be on and connected. I think this is very easy to use, and fast. With apple we have some problems, android easy in use and more supportable with free aps. Now i free 80% of my time from computer after start work with android. And i have very slowly android from china. If i have more fast - i dont see a lot of poblems to use it in all works, what i have on pc.

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from andriod

Hi, this is first time i wrote to blog from my hand android computer. From cell phone i can make photos and directly send here. From android i can write =) This is very cute. But i have some troubles here. At first - i have no keyboard, and russ-eng translator. So now i am one vs one with my english=) So news...now winter and day just start to grow up, time oh shining sun is growing. In one mounth we waiting spring, this winter past very fast. Good!

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