russian childrens-orphans!
before NY 2012
winter 2012
yeah 9 av
Hi, good news. On streets temperature holds normal positions, no so cood and not so warm. Good, i dreank tea. Now i think what i need to do this sping for flat. Every spring i repeare something, do what need to fix and what wants to broke=).
I feel, what my news be apear here now more often. I download android app. for blogger and now i just need to click on icon-blogger on my android and start to tape. Ofcourse, my wifi must be on and connected. I think this is very easy to use, and fast. With apple we have some problems, android easy in use and more supportable with free aps. Now i free 80% of my time from computer after start work with android. And i have very slowly android from china. If i have more fast - i dont see a lot of poblems to use it in all works, what i have on pc.
from andriod
Hi, this is first time i wrote to blog from my hand android computer. From cell phone i can make photos and directly send here. From android i can write =) This is very cute. But i have some troubles here. At first - i have no keyboard, and russ-eng translator. So now i am one vs one with my english=) So news...now winter and day just start to grow up, time oh shining sun is growing. In one mounth we waiting spring, this winter past very fast. Good!