
Wow so fast time goes! Already July 2017, long time i was off
. Now i have some news to tell. At first my father goes to hospital,
 problems with men power mussels. He was in hospital in Moscow,
 not local in Krasnogorsk place of living it is Moscow region.
 Fill ok and soon be all right, dont need to pull heavy objects,
 overworked case. Already near 70 and need to reduce heavy
 work in the village.

I am - all fine, my life line goes fast and straight, i see

 normal perspective in the future. Now i can't imagine live
 with huge credits in bank, i have several small. Working
 with bank ppf group i have some expense to work with loan
 system, and it is normal to loan. 100 hundred buck per mounts
 it is not huge sum to give back. I think it is max. for
 working with Banks, my opinion. Still can't understand
 peoples, working whole life for car or house, having
 parents place for living and, at last bicycle for deliver
 themselves to places need to be delivered. Metro near
 and all places known where i need to be. For what car?
 For foreign journey. Maby. Or several times in a week meet
 village? Nowadays peoples s a usual not living in a villages,
 just support places for buty. I think twice before buy car.
 I have ability to by it right now and drive license, but i think.
It is me.

Mother - good appetite she has, can you enplane how she

 find so many forces to eat huge plates of food? I eat
 often vegetables and very glad we have good appetite.