

Hi! Already winter! This year winter comes late, but not too late. I am this year starts swim again 1 time in a week in lake. Some years ago i and my friend go to ice hall, but he is now live far from me, and deicide to swim along, yet.

Ok now i give you some good advises how to make yourself to sweem in cald water in lake without any troubles at winter time.

At first you must to srart 1-2 time in a week make cold shower. Hot, cold, hot, cold and this enought. Prepeare yourself! After 3 mounth, when you ready to go to sweem drees heat clothes, but all things of your dress must be easy to drees on and off. Dont wear shirt (shirs have a lot of buttons and when your dress on - this take a lot of time to hook up all buttons, your fingers freeze). Take towel and panties in your bag. Before you go - make hot shower, anfter cold, after again hot and preheat good under hot shower. You ready to go. Do not rush, breathe slow, deeply.

So you here, near a ice hall (ofcourse your living area must have ice hall, and you must live in place with cold winter)! Ok -10C on street temperature! Start to dress of. Pants and shoes dress off at last turn. And go to water! First time better walk not alone, but with friend. If something happend, who help? Or walk at time, when others go to swim to this ice hall. So go to water surely, but with control. Swim, some first second be difficult, after easy and come out. Take towel, wipe head, neck, body, arms, legs. Change your panties (dont stay in wet panties long - this is not good). And dress on. Towel you can drop on snow and stand on it. Dress on, feel happy =))

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