
some news

Just few month past and some news i have to say. At first - my photo camera broken, i decide to make some clean up of my Olympus, open it, after this my camera don't work, i read bout some secrets from firm - if you open camera, hi is turns off! And don't turns on.

Second - i find "my tea" this is tea "Puer" from Chinese. Why this tea? Because caffeine from usually tea not so good for organize, and makes your body makes a lot of acid in stomach. This is not good for health. But also need to some coffeine! What to do? This is tea puer - he makes alkaline reaction in stomach and have not so mane caffeine compared with usual tears. Puer good tea - it is only tea, what becomes more good if lay more years - like wine. And it is only tea, what we can make in thermos. Our age have so bad ecology...we need to carry for it.

Third - summer it going))

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