
2019 sept. my news

Hi there! Today i visit my blogger and write new message. I have good conditions and all my body feel good. I usually buy kosher meat not so costly, for example, grows chickens babies. In Russia Moscow it cost nearby one dollar for 1 kg, so i by three kg. for week for three bucks, it is one hundred and eighteen rabbles. Very good price. Wuy i buy kosher ? While production this meat get salted and keep all good vitamins while all way to customer and i like this meat. In city storages one kilograms can be cost some higher even for yellow price. There several places where you can buy it and it is not a problem to find this diet meat.

Strange thing. As i wrote, in 2012 our trees in city nearby forest was attacked by bug "koroed tipograph" and many trees was sucked from their internal juice and stay dead. So now they start to fall and all forest routs, where i usually walk and shoot some photos stuck by fallen trees. I decide. Buy gasoline saw and start to make normal ways, not around fallen trees from left or tight from them. Some roads was so stucked and peoples make stable roadsways around fallen tree, and i wander - why for three years no one took gasoline saw or axe and make normal direct way? Direction very usual, a lot of big buildings nearby and a lot of peoples walking here. For me it it was. I talk about west side from Moscow nearby places there Germans was stopped. And this way known by one of famous man in Moscow named Krause Gennadiy Leonodovich. Look in wiki "25 famous peoples of Moscow". In eng. wiki i cant find information about them, search "pochetniy gragdanin moskvi" in ru. The places and lakes nearby. It is very meaning direction. So i decide take gasoline saw and easy make all old routes. Some was stucked for three years. Some was stucked nearby. So the start to fall and warn - need watch carefully!

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