

Hi, today i feel like that all decide to make purchase - all day there a lot of cars on the street, increased activity of peoples whole day. I remember this time (before new finical year in Ru) - working in bank. This is something. Peoples taking credits a lot! Activity - very high. Servers work on high load to process bank data. There in bank was IP telephony. And all calls on hot line processing by servers, that standing at every floors. Big boxes...and was programs - show how many calls incoming, in processing. And shows how many calls pending (it means - what client hear beautiful music =) and waits, when he been connected with operator. It ordinary day maximum 10-20 pending calls was...at hot time. And this time - more than 100, and often client wait more than 30 minutes be connected with operator.



Picture - month 4Tevet

Week starts hard, but anyway - all of us have 6 days to do own job, what he do. No matter who you are - 6 days. There not 10. World construction is so - 7 days circles (but with moving forward!) : 6 day work and 1 to rest. 16 hours to work, 8 to sleep. This is not a secret - man not feel bad because his work is hard. No - all just in mind (i got a man, who think about own health and learn about food and stuff). And every week everyone must live like all life :) and every other - start new. It is hard so fast change your mind (and after rest), but it is necessary.

Lets talk about stress. Not a secret, what in world many aggression without reason.
Everyone got stress during day. I see 5 ways to win fight with.
1. main - think what all in this life happens to your pleasure, and if happens smith. bad - anyway it is good (just KNOW what all in this life happens to your pleasure - believe it), because after days you say - this is helps me to grow up and stand with more life exp.
2. you can grow up your metabolism - sport. If you have little stress - run some kilometres, this can make you forget situations.
3. same about loading you mind - if you learn a lot - you forget about bad,
4. make some extreme - jump with parachute, swim in ice-hole (then i work hard in bank with - ice hole swimming helps 100%).
5. move away from bad peoples.


Week post 26Kislev 5770

Hi, today good day - Chanuka!:) Second day. Day of Light. This is interest - this year after 8 days of Chanuka day starts to increase light time of day.


Week post

It was hard week for me, wake up early, go to sleep late...tired and stuff, but after Shabbat i feel ok and ready go with more power! All in our hands !

With G-d help we can do all what we want!
But anyway you must be grateful of all what you have, and don't need to have a lot of moneys, like have others, but feel ok with all, what G-d gives to you. Don't compare you with others )) this is it.


looong nights

Picture - 8 day of Jewish month Kislev. Moon growing.

Soon December and this is most dark month of the year. Now sun sets nearly at 16.00 and rice up at 8.00. Loong night. 8 hours to see nature light, and after dark again. But it is now so cold right now - in 2 month real winter comes.


just change all

Sometimes i change all in my room - location of things. I do it nearly...1-2 times in 1 mouth - love to change view of my room. Anyway all electric devices located near electric socket, no so far from it :) But in other things i love to turn on my fantasy and change all :))

Not so many times ago i found interest tea - earl grey (tea with bergamot oil - this is it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bergamot_orange). So good taste, in my country - Russa with wet weather it is good for health, so i love it! But it is often tea companies sale tea with not real bergamot oil - but just with aroma of bergamot. If you want to buy it - see on packaging and read composition of tea. Anyway possible to buy good black (or green) tea and add beramot oil manually.


Loading mind

Sometimes i want to write something, but don't know what to write :) Winter lazy, slow motion season. There a lot of time to read something by the evenings. I use this time to read a lot, i read a lot every day, love it. But good relaxation - this is very meaning for mind-working mans! Last time i love just watch to water and it surface. This is very beautiful. Beauty near us, need just to find it. 

Look this photo - late autumn, waiting for snow...


After all holydays!


Autumn - beautiful. I love autumn rains, yellow color of trees! Most likely season for me, really love this calm time of year.

Winter soon comes and i wait it - to skate, and.....go to ice-hole! If i live here - i take all from my situation :)  I and my friend Zenya at 2005 or 2006 year start tradition to swim at winter in ice-hole and we keep it. How we start? We have a lot of problems at this time - he broke lag and have problems with wife, i am - broke hand, smashed car, have hard work, and it this time finishing 4 course of institute, and we decide to swim. And you know...this helps!

Do you think it is cold? No, this is not cold. Just need to go forward and don't fair...was time then i swim every Friday (except the time when the ice melts in the spring - because water is dirty). This is good for health and relaxing - but every time like in first time.


another day

Look this picture - my favorite salad: carrots, onions, sunflower oil and brine from cucumber.

Last week was good, i learn Hebrew language, communicate with friends, walk a lot...i live here 28 years, in Krasnogorsk. But every time i found something new in my  city. It is very interest to see how city grows up! Last time in my area were constructed high-rise residential buildings. 8-10 nearly. I live near forest, but now it is not so deep, as some time ago. Narrow paths turned to the big pathways. Then this new buildings be settled, forest will turn into a park :), but anyway i know places where the average person will not dare to go...i love clear nature, but last time i can found a lot of landfills after picnics.


Google news!

Good news, now in Google calendar you can subscribe on different holidays - there a lot of countries in list for subscribing.

Day picture - tree, and some day it fall down.



What i know about Japan? I know they eat rice, many high technology comes from Japan, karate.. was time when i (with help of my friend) - learn Japan Karate system - kyokushin, founded by Masutacy Oyama.  There are simple exercises, named "kata". It is very good exercise for health (all karate styles have own Kata, but this stile is very popular. And this peoples have very long lives! Some days ago i learn about food system of Japanese, and found some interest details, look: products they divided into yin - products (man), and yang-products (woman). A lot of illness comes from yang-products, but in food man must fund golden middle!

Table of products (on Russian language) :


Look this picture - Dragon Fly!


Month Elul

This month "Elul" on the Jewish calendar. This is last month before Jewish new year, Rosh Hashanah. This month we all think about our actions during year, give more moneys for poor humans (very important!!) and calm yourself at all.

Look this picture - in Photoshop edition: moon, but i need to increase levels, otherwise the moon would not be visible - this is day shot.



Yes it is so - food usually called - "eat bread". But be careful with bread! Bread contain gluten, and some peoples have problems with  digesting gluten and after have big problem, if problem actually. I have no problem with gluten and bread, but i eat bread not so often. This products without gluten - rice, corn, buckwheat.


today 3 hours - walk

Today i go from home with idea to buy few pencil's for writing on paper, and deicide to walk some more :) It was long way in the forest, i think a lot and relax my mind, swim at lake and enjoy. And i buy few pencils!


Sun ends, new time come

Hi there, i feel sun is loose it's power, making day smaller and the weather colder from day to day. I prepare to winter, looks like this year i can't travel anywhere, this is bad, but not fatal :) Today i work all day, after go to walk, meet some unknown peoples at street and we talk about nothing - this is very meaning to talk with peoples, which you don't know. Every day you need to see new peoples, been in human social places (but don't forget your friends, of course)! And need  to communicate with good and positive faces. Look this photo - the lake near my home.


Good day!

Hi! There i have good day :) Love it, hard days passed, they learn us to be more strong and confident in future, it like - if somebody have bad illness, doctor makes vaccine of microbes to improve immune and man recovering. Incredible, but fact.

Photo - my home computer and good books.


1.30 till end of 9AV

9 Av day of mourning. There day, then first and second  Jerusalem Temple was destroyed, so this is bad day. We must spend this day without food and water - near 25 hours....it is not so hard, conversely it is very good for health - this is good side of this! Anyway at the end of this day i feel powerful and much better, without jokes...


9 AV start at 21.40

Hi there, there start 9 AV day. Look at sky before this day, i just make photo + photoshop some adjusting. Very mysterious, like sky texture in quest games, but in reality. Not so often sky appears like this. So this day we must spend without food or water. It is possible at all, no big problem, but not for all peoples.
Last time i learn one system of breath, want to talk about it. So in far - then i swimming on sea or lake under the water - i make deep breath and
swim under the water, till i can be without air. There new system of breath - called endogenous breathing. You can find a lot of information about it in Google, in 2 words - 
idea is - make deep breath by nose, and after as long as possible exhale air out with nose too. It is have interest for me, because it looks like how i breath when swimming. And all knows,
what it is very good for health. It is very simple i just say how it works - you must read some information on NET, it is interest.


Day before 9 AV

Life is going, all OK. Summer - i start to walk a lot at nature, swim sometimes. Summer in Russia not so hot, there just 3-5 mouth good weather, another time - sit home and learn something :) Hope you good luck!


Be-hatzlakha! Good luck

Great day! I feel something going right! Seem to be i got new job. There is web site on INTERNET - http://yeva-4-u.com/ where company provides service for Russian womans witch looking for a foreign guy for marriage. So it is so easy! There problem of language, and problem in other details related with travel problems, because they from different countries...so my job is to male profile for this woman on web site and ATTENTION - start communicate with man from HER name. Do you imagine what is is? So after if man interest in woman, she tell me more information about herself and i can make communication with man more easily. After all can be organized meet between them. Company offers flower and gift delivery to any place in the former USSR. It is interest idea! So i can find my familiar girls, which want communicate with foreign mans. The company not only marriage agency, but also an touristic agency. Good luck to me!



Hi! There some problem days began. There real difficult time for me, i feel it. But i don't configure myself for bad or else things. I feel good, preparing for winter, look positive in future. It is all possible - man just need to start do do something, so G-d after helps him, no matter what you start to do! It is important to do good things, not bad! Good luck!


I love it!

Good day! Today good day, i sleep good and stuff :) So anyway i never sleep more than 8 hours per one day (24 hours). So if i sleep 6 hours i can sleep 2 then day in the middle. Dont know good it or bad - anyway i feel better. Look at picture - lake near my home. Real nature! No hot no cold. But anyway i want live in hot country, and drink tea whole day.


40minutes before Shabbat

Coming! All prepared! Good Sabbath! Lets make some rest for us. It is was smart week, but i dot feel tired. If i tired - when i come from Moscow to home, in the evening i go to lake and all my problem goes to water. Water! So many sense in this form. I drink good water, filtering it, careful to it!

Look this birds, what they making! 



New week start

Hi there, lets start. Today sleep just 3 hours, anyway i feel okay! This interest moment - then the summer comes - days become longer, but weeks skips faster :) My day very long today, maybe it is because i wake up very early. Often i sleep 45 minutes, if it is possible in the middle of the day. It is good! I know, it is very good, then you work - find time to sleep. What better eat or sleep;)
Smart wind, light was day before. WOW.
Do you know, to feel good - a food, that you eat must have alkaline reaction of stomach. It is most of fruits, vegetables (except onion, garlic and other some), most of nuts. Feel well!


Day before rest

Good week, something go in right direction, and i hope it so be in future! Usually Friday evening i make up bread on frying pan, i love smell of fresh bred. And very good to eat bread with olive oil. MM mm human food.



Today i try to make some money in INTERNET. How its going - tell after some days. Weather is good, yesterday was rainy. There lake near my house, so i decide to walk around it, look pictures. It was some dangerous, because forest is forest...don't know what peoples/animals you can meet here.


lets start week

Lets start week. Good morning, good start! What this week can bring to us? Difficult question, because you don't know, what can happen in a hour. Just live and thats all! Time put all things on their places.


think before rest

Hi here! Lets think what we wait from future...Bad ecology? Bad social? NO. Why ecology is bad? Because we have motor-cars (oil). Why we have bad society? Because popes don't know what to do. How to repeat this? Make electric machines. And learn LAWS of life. I think Torah - is key to find what you need. (there laws, how to live!). With Rashi commentaries.


today morning

Hi, today strange day. Yesterday was smart wind, just look:
Anyway, it always impressively to see nature force.

Do you know...peoples need to be care of their health, because it is most intimate part of you life. (I read in from book of Paul Bragg - about "intimate"). Food, what you put into your mouth goes through all body! Looking for a products, what very energetic (like peanut), and not so hard for body! And banal green tea - can save you health and productivity many years. Do it for your relatives - start eat good food. And this is most important thing: find brain - charging products. Peanut - ideal for brains. And very convenient - go to job? Take in you pocket some peanuts, some apples, green tea at work - and you can easy spend you day. Not forget about meat, of course (Kosher). Any must find OWN products, with useful for him, and it is very interest to do it - finding this products.

Microsoft office and Google office

Greetings! Today i learn about Google products, in a particular calendar, tasks in there and others. My purpose - to have mobile office in INTERNET, like MS_Outlook. There a lot of advantages: if my system crushes - i always have access to my files from all the world! Not depend of home computer - aim is to find any computer with INTERNET connection. So it is possible! Google mail, calendar and other stuff.

Another tip: you can backup your important files on Google - just archive them and email to yourself, after put them in new created folder...7GB is enough for this.

I think Ms_Office good for big corporations with (Intra-net), there all stuff have own login and password to windows, and your settings automatically loads then you log in (with outlook mail and other your settings). So, from any computer of company you can change user and work as a usual. All computers must have server+LAN. I work in 2 banks in my history - in two banks was such system. Why Office? Because if INTERNET damages, but company have electricity - there work not stops and company survives. But what to do if electricity off? Some companies buy diesel generators, and if problem - run them. When i work on banks - some days we god a messages, what "today we work with diesel generators-energy". Another reason to choose Google - Office cost a lot of money!



hi there, lets start!