
1.30 till end of 9AV

9 Av day of mourning. There day, then first and second  Jerusalem Temple was destroyed, so this is bad day. We must spend this day without food and water - near 25 hours....it is not so hard, conversely it is very good for health - this is good side of this! Anyway at the end of this day i feel powerful and much better, without jokes...


9 AV start at 21.40

Hi there, there start 9 AV day. Look at sky before this day, i just make photo + photoshop some adjusting. Very mysterious, like sky texture in quest games, but in reality. Not so often sky appears like this. So this day we must spend without food or water. It is possible at all, no big problem, but not for all peoples.
Last time i learn one system of breath, want to talk about it. So in far - then i swimming on sea or lake under the water - i make deep breath and
swim under the water, till i can be without air. There new system of breath - called endogenous breathing. You can find a lot of information about it in Google, in 2 words - 
idea is - make deep breath by nose, and after as long as possible exhale air out with nose too. It is have interest for me, because it looks like how i breath when swimming. And all knows,
what it is very good for health. It is very simple i just say how it works - you must read some information on NET, it is interest.


Day before 9 AV

Life is going, all OK. Summer - i start to walk a lot at nature, swim sometimes. Summer in Russia not so hot, there just 3-5 mouth good weather, another time - sit home and learn something :) Hope you good luck!


Be-hatzlakha! Good luck

Great day! I feel something going right! Seem to be i got new job. There is web site on INTERNET - http://yeva-4-u.com/ where company provides service for Russian womans witch looking for a foreign guy for marriage. So it is so easy! There problem of language, and problem in other details related with travel problems, because they from different countries...so my job is to male profile for this woman on web site and ATTENTION - start communicate with man from HER name. Do you imagine what is is? So after if man interest in woman, she tell me more information about herself and i can make communication with man more easily. After all can be organized meet between them. Company offers flower and gift delivery to any place in the former USSR. It is interest idea! So i can find my familiar girls, which want communicate with foreign mans. The company not only marriage agency, but also an touristic agency. Good luck to me!



Hi! There some problem days began. There real difficult time for me, i feel it. But i don't configure myself for bad or else things. I feel good, preparing for winter, look positive in future. It is all possible - man just need to start do do something, so G-d after helps him, no matter what you start to do! It is important to do good things, not bad! Good luck!